
Welcome to this experiment of mine!  I wanted to take a stab at documenting the construction of my Gateway Western layout.

After many hours of planning and a lot of input from friend Joe Atkinson, I have come up with a solid roadmap for the project.  With my 10 x 15 x 26 foot space, the around the walls layout will feature the Gateway’s Roodhouse, IL yard along with a combined Murrayville/Prouty, IL, and the Curran, IL Consolidated Grain & Barge elevator.

Much like many of my friends and compatriot’s layouts, the layout will have a heavy focus on prototypical operation.  I look forward to using this blog to illustrate the interesting operation of what on the surface often appears as boring, run of the mill branch line.

Hopefully y’all will enjoy – feel to ask questions on anything.


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